
Showing posts from March, 2022


Ethics is the study of a moral code of conduct or ideal behaviour that humans should strive for. It also serves as a guide to the field of international relations. International ethics is a branch of international relations theory concerned with the scope and extent of ethical obligations between nations in a globalised world. It explains how countries and other entities regard other countries and their citizens. It provides direction to the international community on how to address global concerns. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), for example, has aided in the equitable distribution of resources in the world's oceans. There has been a lot of progress in the resurgence of ethics in modern International Relations. Scholars have been debating the appropriate behaviour of states, institutions, and people for decades.  International ethics:  International ethics is defined as the benefits that international interactions, exchanges, and relationships ca...


Because the majority of countries are experiencing a severe crisis of legitimacy, ethics and accountability are critical factors for modern administration. Over time, it has become clear that performance management alone will not be enough to get us out of this situation. Residents also expect ethical and responsible behaviour from politicians and public officials. Devolution and decentralization have increased the authority of governmental officials. The traditional ideals of discretion and equality before the law have been challenged by the increase in transparency and openness, as well as the service orientation of public organizations. Integrity has become more important as the public and private sectors interact more frequently. With these changes, it is critical to educate the ethical system, or the traditional principles of the public service may be called into doubt. It has been at the centre of arguments about difficulties in the public sector, non-profits, and private (busine...


Because punishment entails pain or deprivation that people seek to avoid, the state's deliberate application of it necessitates justification. The belief that punishment is an unavoidable part of a criminal justice system does not eliminate the problem of justification. If punishment is included in the definition of criminal law, the essential question is whether society should have a set of mandatory norms enforced by sanctions. Small groups of like-minded people may be able to operate with norms that aren't backed up by consequences, and a larger society's decision not to enforce legal penalty is theoretically possible. Furthermore, sanction infliction is not intrinsically linked to authorization.   Threatened consequences are not always meted out to people who have committed crimes in society. The police or prosecution may decide not to proceed, a jury may acquit despite overwhelming proof of guilt, or a judge may opt not to impose a penalty after conviction. Even if pun...


The ability to detect, understand, manage, and reason with emotions is referred to as emotional intelligence, or EQ ("emotional quotient"). It's a crucial skill for interpersonal communication, and it's a popular topic not just in psychology but also in business. In the 1990s, psychologists coined the word. Its application swiftly spread to other fields such as business, education, and popular culture.  WHAT IS THE MEANING OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? Psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, two of the foremost experts on the subject, define emotional intelligence as the ability to sense and understand emotions in oneself and others. Making judgments, solving problems, and connecting with people based on emotional understanding are all part of this skill. There are four stages of emotional intelligence, according to Salovey and Mayer: Emotional perception Emotion-based reasoning Emotional intelligence Emotional control Emotions and intelligence were once thought t...