The ultimate standard for leadership has become authenticity. However, a misunderstanding of what it signifies might stifle your progress and limit your influence. We tend to use authenticity as an explanation for sticking with what's comfortable because going against our natural impulses might make us feel like impostors. However, few occupations allow us to do so for an extended period. This is especially true as we develop in our occupations and as needs and expectations change. To succeed in our careers, we must all step outside of our comfort zones. At the same time, they elicit a powerful counter-instinct to preserve our identities: We typically resort to familiar behaviours and patterns when we are unsure of ourselves or our abilities to perform effectively or measure up in a new context. The situations that test our sense of self the most are the ones that may teach us the most about effective leadership. We may establish a personal style that feels right to us and matches...