Conflict is a natural part of any workspace but it can lead to lost productivity and mental health issues. Conflict can be a motivator also. It generates new ideas and brings innovation, leading to increased flexibility and understanding of the working relationship. It gives a grip on such things. Conflict needs to be managed effectively so that it can contribute to the success of organizations. 

There is critical competition for working professionals so that they can understand everyone have their way of dealing with conflict. According to TKI which is used by human resource professionals around the world. There are five major styles of conflict management which is collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising. Every strategy has its benefits. Dr Barbara said, there is no right or wrong conflict management style. He is a certified professional mediator and mitigation specialist in PhD in the human and social services program at Walden University. 

There are five major conflict management styles. If we know the ways/references to use each style, it can help control conflict and lead to an improved working environment which results in a better bottom line. 

COLLABORATING STYLE: This is a combination of being assertive and cooperative. people who collaborate attempt to work with others to make a solution to fully satisfy people's concerns. 

COMPETING STYLE: This style is the opposite of avoiding. Both sides can get whatever they want and negative feelings are minimized. Collaboration works best when long-term relationships and results are essential. 

AVOIDING STYLE: the ones who avoid the conflict become unassertive and uncooperative while sidestepping the issue or matters withdrawing from a threatening situation. 

ACCOMMODATING STYLE: this is the opposite of competing. There is self-sacrifice when accommodation for the person happens. It may seem so generous, but it could take advantage of the weak and cause resentment. 

COMPROMISING STYLE: This style aims to find an expedient mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies both parties in the conflict. this style is best to use when the outcome is not crucial and there is a loss of time. It is important not to be afraid of conflict arises because there are many ways to tackle such situations. 

For a healthy and competitive environment conflicts must be avoided. employees should have precautionary measures in advance so that conflicts can be prevented employees must feel motivated as they are an asset. They will feel elated to perform well. Conflicts bring tension and stress. The first step is always to clarify the source. This is the step towards resolving conflict. this will make you understand the issue. There should be mutual understanding. Before you try to resolve a conflict, you should find an appropriate place to talk.  

Everyone should be a good listener. Everyone should be given equal opportunity. Both parties should be open and honest. They should comprehend the reasons for the conflict. The case should be investigated or come up with a final verdict. Both parties should be encouraged to articulate their thoughts.

The statements can be replicated and statements should be summarised. To manage the conflict, there should be a common objective. 


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